Beekeeping 101

Health Hut will offer classes for
beginner beekeeping, from 10 a.m. to noon, on November 23 and December 7, at
Natural Health Hut, in Wesley Chapel. Classes are taught by Stephanie Ramthun,
owner of Tampa Bees and full-time beekeeper, with a BS in biology.
has been keeping bees for 6 years and now manages many hives in the surrounding
areas of Tampa. She is involved in bee rescues, pollination of crops, urban
beekeeping and a new farming tool called bee vectoring.
in the class include but are not limited to honeybee anatomy, hive duties,
function of the hive, honey production, pollen production, brood rearing and
lifecycle. Queen bee functions and facts as well as little known facts about bees
will be shared. Open to all ages, attendees get to view the bees live in a
contained unit on the comb. Tampa Bees honey will be available for purchase.
Cost: Free. Location: 26403 Chianina Dr., Wesley
Chapel. For more information, call 813-407-6230. To register, visit