Letter from The Publisher

Debbey Wilson
On Sunday, November 3, another daylight saving time frame ends: time to readjust schedules accordingly; sleep in for another hour; slip further into an autumnal state of mind.
Plastic Brigade Beach Cleanup actions this month are exciting local initiatives by the American Advertising Federation to reduce the amount of plastic entering the waterways of Florida and the Caribbean. On Saturday, the 9th, Tampa Bay community actions happen from 9 a.m. until noon at Salt Creek near 22nd Avenue South, in St. Petersburg. Visit PlasticBrigade.com to learn more.
This month’s feature by writer Marlaina Donato, “Chasing ZZZZZs: How to Put Insomnia to Rest” (page 24), looks at natural pathways to a good night’s rest and healthy ways to combat any adverse health effects of compromised sleep. One of those considerations—optimizing thyroid function—is covered in-depth in our Healing Ways article, “The Happy Thyroid: Seven Ways to Keep It Humming” (page 38).
Looking forward to seasonal celebrations with an organic touch, freelance writer April Thompson’s “Zenful Eating: Mindful Meals in Quiet Gratitude” (page 40) shares insights from three of the nation’s top Zen chefs on achieving gratefulness and being present and peaceful at mealtime.
As always, open your heart and mind and read on.