May 31, 2016 11:09AM
A major supermarket chain will no longer buy fruit or vegetables from farmers that spray with any of eight pesticides that are toxic to bees.
The Living Future Challenge has developed a bold framework to evoke fresh thinking about the design of systems, products and buildings.
Athletes suffer more injuries on artificial turf, and now the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has called for new studies to determine if links exist between synthetic surfaces and cancer in young athletes.
Apr 29, 2016 11:02AM
Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. welcomed five new publishers to its April 2016 training session.
Apr 29, 2016 11:01AM
More than 90 percent of playing fields and parks in a six-state area were found to be located within 1,000 feet of corn or soybean fields in which toxic weed killers were sprayed.
Small herds of goats are efficiently ridding a historic cemetery and the University of Georgia of poison ivy and other unwanted plants.
Rising levels of human-made noise are drowning out natural sounds, the National Park Service reports.
A DNA sampling of 82 purchases found that 43 percent of the so-called “wild-caught” salmon was farmed.
Campbell Soup Company has pledged to label its genetically modified (GMO) products and is urging the U.S. government to mandate GMO labeling nationwide.
To kick off married life in a planet-friendly fashion, try natural settings, bubble-blowing and acoustic music.
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