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Natural Awakenings Tampa Florida

Testosterone Pellet Therapy for Women, after Kids and Beyond

May 28, 2021 10:15AM ● By Jaclyn Shedden
A mother and daughter standing on a beach holding their thumbs up

Testosterone is the most abundant active hormone throughout a woman’s life span. Testosterone is involved in protecting every organ and system in the body. Women start losing their testosterone production in their 20s. By the time they reach age 40, testosterone has declined by 50 percent and will continue to go down each year. Oftentimes, women are not informed about the importance of testosterone and how it decreases as we age. Women can suffer from unexplained fatigue, low libido, irritability, anxiety, brain fog, trouble losing weight, loss of muscle mass and depression, going on for years, even decades, with no answer or solution to helping them feel better. These symptoms are all signs of testosterone deficiency.

Testosterone pellet therapy has helped millions of women to slow down the aging process and improve or eliminate their symptoms. A simple blood test to check testosterone level is all that is necessary to begin your journey to feeling better.


What is testosterone pellet therapy?

Hormone pellet therapy was first performed in 1939. The testosterone pellet is bioidentical, meaning it is the exact molecular structure of the hormones your own body makes. Conversely, synthetic testosterone is made from animal parts and urine and its molecular structure has been modified from what your own body makes. This alteration in the molecular structure of synthetic testosterone is what produces the unwanted adverse reactions often heard about with synthetic testosterone injections.

A testosterone pellet is plant-based, made from wild yams. The plant-based bioidentical testosterone is converted to a powder form, checked for potency and purity, then compressed using a sterile dye press to form a tiny cylinder referred to as a pellet. Pellet therapy has been around since the 1930s and its absorption has been repeatedly tested and is extremely predictable. Dosing is individualized to the patient and women feel the results of the pellets typically within seven to 14 days. Pellets are replaced every three to four months.


How are testosterone pellets inserted?

Testosterone pellets are placed under the skin of the buttock. A small amount of local anesthetic is used to numb the area and a patented trocar is used to insert the pellet—no larger than a grain of rice. A steristrip is used to close the entry point and you can go about your normal life immediately after your procedure. The only restrictions are no swimming, hot tubs or baths for three days—showers are fine. No strenuous exercise that works the gluteal (buttock) muscles for three days.


Who can benefit from testosterone pellet therapy?

Testosterone levels in women begin to decrease earlier than the other ovarian hormones. After having a baby, testosterone levels can decline rapidly and may never improve. Women suffering from post-partum depression, anxiety, insomnia, weight gain and memory and focus issues are all signs of low testosterone. Without checking their patients’ labs, most providers treat symptoms of low testosterone with anti-depressants, diet pills, sleeping pills or other stimulants or sedatives. Testosterone pellet therapy is a better option for both short-term symptom relief and long-term protection of a woman’s brain, heart, breasts and bones. For women who are breastfeeding, testosterone therapy is a safe treatment.


What are the side effects of testosterone pellets?

All medical procedures have some side effects. Pellet therapy is no exception, but with over 80 years of clinical testing and the absorption of hormone pellets being well established, the side effects are very predictable. The most common side effects include increase in hair growth and acne. Hair thinning occurs in less than one percent of patients and is reversible and treatable. Testosterone pellets are absorbed directly into the bloodstream and are not processed by the liver, unlike synthetic hormones, which have proven to increase the risk of blood clots, heart attack, stroke and breast cancer. Testosterone and estradiol pellet therapy have a long-running safety profile and have never been recalled by the FDA. Testosterone pellet therapy benefits far exceed the side effects that may occur, and side effects can usually be eliminated or minimized by a dose adjustment.


How do the pellets work?

Testosterone pellets are placed under the skin and absorbed directly into the bloodstream. (Hormone creams, patches and gels are not well absorbed through the skin and provide inconsistent blood levels.) Pellets offer a more consistent blood level and are released slowly over a period of weeks to months. The rollercoaster effects often felt with other forms of hormone replacement are not experienced with pellets. Women report a greater relief of symptoms not previously improved with other hormone replacement methods.


How do I find out if I am a candidate for testosterone pellets?

A simple blood test and medical history can determine if you could benefit from testosterone pellet therapy. It is important to see a provider who is specially trained to treat hormones. Biote Medical is the leader in training medical providers on the proper application of hormone pellets.


Why haven’t I been told about this therapy from my doctor?

Big Pharma. Since testosterone pellets are bioidentical and cannot be patented, drug companies have no interest. They produce the synthetic version of hormone replacement (which has serious known side effects) for profit.

For women who have been too long-suffering, the woman desperately looking to feel better, instead of being offered an anti-depressant or diet pill and told “you are just getting to that age,” know there is another way—a safe and effective solution is available with bioidentical hormone pellet therapy.


Jaclyn Shedden, APRN, board certified family nurse practitioner, has her practice, Blue Skye Health & Wellness, in Tampa. She has performed thousands of pellet procedures and is a certified Biote Provider. She understands what women go through as their hormones change over the years and is a happy pellet patient herself. She offers free virtual consults which can be booked by going to her website or calling her office at 813-533-6000.