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Natural Awakenings Tampa Florida

Harvest-Moon-Youthing-Ceremony with Eluv

Reverse the effects of aging on the physical body. This event & ceremony turns the aging clock backward, working on physical appearance and vitality at a cellular level.

Reverse the effects of aging on the physical body! Join us for this ancient ritual from the heart of Africa handed down by Shamans, Curanderos and Medicine People that actually reverses the effects of the passage of time on the physical body.

There is only one night of the year that the energies of the moon meet with the energies of the earth in such a way that PHYSICAL YOUTHING can occur. This magical night is the evening of the Harvest Moon.

This event & ceremony turns the aging clock backward, working on physical appearance and also vitality at a cellular level. It can release two or more years of cellular physical age for each year you take part in this ancient ceremony.

Experience the past, present and future simultaneously, and receive an energy upgrade alignment of the Divine Presence & Physical Body that will assist in rejuvenating, healing and “youthing” your entire system.

This traditional African ceremony will be combined with Ancestral Clearing and channeled vibrational sound transmissions to clear limiting thought forms, perceptions, beliefs and expectations that contribute to the degeneration of the body through the aging process.

In Healing your ancestors' unresolved patterns, health issues, trauma, emotional issues, and limiting beliefs, it unbinds you from energetic/genetic patterns that have invisibly connected you to them until this point in time. These invisible obstacles once dissolved, can open up infinite new possibilities in life along with increase vitality, well-being, longevity, peace of mind, heart and joy.

Eluv gracefully weaves in the Full Moon Youthing activation, sound healing, crystal healing, ancestral clearing, light language, mandala art, special channeled messages and songs for the group. The combination of these powerful modalities offers the opportunity to experience profound physical, spiritual and emotional well-being.

Vegetarian/Vegan Food/Refreshments will be served


Date & Time

September 30, 2023

5:30PM - 8:30PM


Yoga Village - 2760 Daniel St, Clearwater, FL, 33761 2760 Daniel St Clearwater 33761 FL US

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Yoga Village