Letter from Publisher

Debbey Wilson
Lifelong Learning: Benefits of Being the Forever Student has
always been the way to “fly”. Raising consciousness co-creatively is expressed
in this month’s feature article, discovering, or rather re-discovering, the
brain has the ability to heal, grow, evolve. Being a “forever student” carries
not only customized, heretofore unknown benefits, it helps the whole, the
world, the collective—the entire cosmic order. Life with purpose/meaning.
In this
month’s Wise Words department, Letting Nature Heal Itself expresses divine feminine healing in action. Maria
Rodale shares Mother Nature’s deeply profound message of the very immediate
need for “freedom to heal”.
this month’s Conscious Eating department, find Back-to-School Tips for All Ages, bringing relief to kids with food
intolerances and restrictions; delicious ingredients and Asian-inspired recipes
Watching Fish Swim shares the joys and benefits of having your own
in-house wonder—an aquarium. People have been “keeping” fish for a recorded
4,500 years, with ample health benefits well documented. Read the findings of a
recent study by the U.S. National Institutes of Health regarding pain relief of
a mental, emotional and even physical nature.
Anyone who has ever suffered from a
breakout knows how it can cause a breakdown. In Acne Antidote, learn of the holistic treatments, including upgraded
lifestyle modifications, which can turn acne into smooth and healthy skin.
always, with an open heart and mind, please enjoy.